University Of Modern Sciences - Sciences-Scientific

A Review of Biological Activities of Genus Croton

  • 2022-03-08
  • Published research - Medical Science


Abdulrahman Hamid

Published in

International Journal of Nanotechnology and Allied Sciences,Volume 7,Issue 1,No 12-18,Mar. 08, 2022


Croton contains a wide range of constituents, including phorbol esters, alkaloids, di and triterpenoids such as clerodane, uphold derivatives, and flavonoids and their glycosides, all of which have medicinal value. In addition, several Croton species have a red sap, which contains proanthocyanins and/or alkaloids in some species. Some species are aromatic because they contain volatile oil. The current review summarises the most important biological activities of Croton species for future research as potential medicines. It is important to note that the presence of secondary metabolite classes in Croton is a point worth considering because it could lead to the discovery of pharmacologically active substances.


Biological activities,

Pharmacology of Croton,


Potential medicines.