Strategy to achieve the objectives of the center:

The Quality and Academic Accreditation Center at the University of Modern Sciences carries out some pioneering activities in the field of performance evaluation and preparing the university departments to implement the mechanisms of total quality, and to involve students in evaluating the educational process. Evaluating the performance of faculty members, and the rest of the elements of the educational process, as it is applied in most courses in all departments of the university, and other questionnaires will be designed to take the students’ opinion on the services provided by the university, and the opinion of faculty members about leaders within the university and departments, and the level and performance of the courses taught in the University.

It is also in the process of conducting pioneering experiments in the field of self-evaluation of departments and their programs, where a self-evaluation of most of the university's departments programs will be conducted, starting from the 2013/2014 academic year.
The center also publishes an annual book that includes complete statistics about the results of courses in all departments of the university, a statistical analysis of them, the publication and analysis of the results of students’ evaluation of performance at the level of the courses taught for them, and their free opinions about these courses, as well as the activities of the Center for Quality and Academic Accreditation, quality units and performance evaluation university in scientific departments.
All previous activities will be carried out through the higher value of the center, the mission, objectives and stages of the center's work through the application of the university's quality and academic accreditation strategy, which is represented in the following stages:


The first stage:

Complete the work to achieve full conviction on the part of the faculty and staff of the importance of evaluating university performance, by holding seminars and workshops and spreading the culture of quality among faculty members as well as among the student community.
Preparing workshops to train faculty members in the departments that begin to implement comprehensive quality systems and mechanisms, especially in the field of work descriptions of study programs and course vocabulary, and the preparation of their reports, as well as the preparation of the annual report of the department.
Defining the mechanisms and setting the necessary policies and procedures for implementing the comprehensive quality strategy and evaluating university human and material performance.

Moral and material support and support for the Quality and Academic Accreditation Center at the university.
Analyzing data for departments and programs, and studying these results as indicators for evaluating university performance.
Studying the proposals submitted by the departments to the quality units in the faculties, and determining the mechanisms and procedures necessary to develop the educational process.
Analyzing the results of the various evaluation activities that are related to all elements of the educational process, and providing appropriate recommendations to improve the level of university performance.
Preparing data forms and questionnaires required by total quality indicators in the university departments and departments.

The second phase :  

Follow up the executive plans of the university's comprehensive quality strategic plan programs.
Encouraging the academic departments of the university's faculties to carry out the comprehensive quality of their study programs, and to follow up on the implementation of their annual implementation plans.
Urging departments to seek accreditation for their programs from reputable national, regional and global bodies, when they are ready.


third level :

Follow up on the evaluation and development of the educational process, and obtain the approval of academic degrees for academic programs and courses for scientific departments in the university’s colleges periodically.